Eu quase morri naquele navio, vitima de apendicite. Ali tambem escutei historias de assassinatos, suicidios e outras baixarias que me fizeram crer que o Brilliance of the seas 'e um navio mal vibrado. Agora, na costa do Egito, chegando em Alexandria, o navio enfrentou fortes ondas que o fizeram inclinar 42 graus e ferir mais de cem passageiros. Como sempre, o numero de tripulantes feridos nao foi informado, pois para esta empresa, tripulantes, que por acaso tambem sao seres humanos, sao apenas numeros e nada mais.
Segundo relato do presidente da empresa, as avarias que o navio sofreu foram rapidamente consertadas, a tempo de que os passageiros do cruzeiro seguinte nao pudessem perceber. Nao duvido, pois a Royal Caribbean 'e poderosa, mas que o Brilliance 'e mal vibrado, isso eu tambem nao tenho duvidas.
Abaixo, o relato em ingles da USA TODAY.
By Gene Sloan, USA TODAY
Industry watcher Seatrade Insider today is reporting that more than 100 passengers were injured in this week's rolling incident aboard Royal Caribbean's Brilliance of the Seas.
The number is notably higher than the initial estimate of 30 injuries given out by the line in the wake of Sunday's event and the revised estimate of 60 injuries cited by the line later in the week.
As has been widely reported this week, the 2,100-passenger Brilliance of the Seas rolled sharply early Sunday after being caught in unexpectedly rough seas and hurricane-force winds as it approached Alexandria, Egypt in what the line has called a serious incident. The side-to-side swaying knocked over passengers, threw furniture across rooms and broke glass throughout the ship.
RELATED: Captain of storm-tossed ship calls incident 'horrific'
ALSO ONLINE: Cruise canceled after ship damaged in Antarctica
In a statement earlier this week, the line said the ship experienced extreme conditions, including heavy seas and 70 knot winds, that were nearly double what had been forecast.
While the ship suffered some damage during the event, Royal Caribbean has said it was cosmetic in nature and there was no impact to the ship's operating systems, engines or sea-worthiness. In a blog post on Wednesday, Royal Caribbean CEO Adam Goldstein said repairs have been taking place so quickly that passengers boarding the vessel today for its next voyage will find all of the ship's features fully available.
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